- Lin Cheng*, Moon A. (2021, March). Can Open Source Licenses Help Regulate Lethal Autonomous Weapons?. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine.
- Moon A, Rismani S*, Van der Loos H.F. (2021). Ethics of Corporeal, Co-present Robots as Agents of Influence: a Review. Springer Current Robotics Report.
- Moon A, Hashmi M, Van der Loos HFM, Croft E, Billard A. (2021). Design of Hesitation Gestures for Nonverbal Human-Robot Negotiation of Conflicts. Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction.
- Collins E, Fischer K, Malle B, Moon A, Young J. (2019). The Broader Context of Trust in HRI: Discrepancy between Expectations and Capabilities of Autonomous Machines (Fisher M, List C, Slavkovik M, Weiss A, Eds.). Dagstuhl Reports, 9(4), 82-85. Article within the Dagstuhl Reports on “Ethics and Trust: Principles, Verification and Validation (Dagstuhl Seminar 19171), https://doi:10.4230/DagRep.9.4.59
Book Chapters
- Brooks, S*, Moon A. (2021, July). Governing the Social Dimensions of Collaborative Robotic Design: Influence, manipulation and other non-physical harms. In McEwen, R, Guzman, A. L, Jones, S (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Human-Machine Communication. SAGE. (In Press)
- Malle BF, Fischer K, Young JE, Moon A, Collins E. (2020). Chapter 1. Trust and the Discrepancy Between Expectations and Actual Capabilities of Social Robots. In D. Zhang, B. Wei (Ed.), Human-robot interaction: Control, analysis, and design. New York, NY, United States: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Moon A, Calisgan E, Bassani C, Ferreira F, Operto F, Veruggio G, Croft E A, Van der Loos H. F. M. (2016). The Open Roboethics Initiative and the Elevator-Riding Robot. Robot Law (pp. 131–162). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Conference Papers
- Rismani S*, Moon A, (2021/10). How do AI systems fail socially?: Social Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for AI, IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2021 (ISTAS) IEEE. (In Press)
- Szilagyi K, Millar J, Moon A, and Rismani S*. (2021/9). Driving Into the Loop: Mapping Automation Bias & Liability Issues for Advanced Driver Assistance. In We Robot 2021. (Accepted)
- Lin C*, Moon A. (2020/11). Using Open Source Licensing to Regulate the Assembly of LAWS: A Preliminary Analysis. In IEEE Symposium on Technology and Society IEEE. Doi: 10.1109/ISTAS50296.2020.9462195
- Lin C*, Rhim J*, Moon A. (2021/8). Mobile Robotic Telepresence: A New Social Hierarchy?. In 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication – Robot Behavior Adaptation to Human Social Norms (TSAR) Workshop IEEE.
- Rismani S*, Moon A, (2021/9). How do AI systems fail socially? Social Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for artificial intelligence systems, We Robot 2021 (Accepted)
- Rhim J*, Lin C*, Moon A. (2021/7). The Roboethics to Design & Development Competition: Translating moral values into practice. Poster In We Robot 2021. (Accepted)
- Rismani S*, Moon A. (2020/7). What do we measure when we measure the ethics of AI systems?. Poster In Montreal AI Symposium (MAIS) 2020.
- (Awarded best poster) Rismani S*, Moon A. (2020/2). Can We Measure Ethics of an Artificial Intelligence Systems? If yes, What do we measure? How do we measure?. Poster, In We Robot 2020.
- Asaro P, Boulanin V, Chengeta T, Dahlmann A, Dickow M, Garcia D, Hahn E, Hoffberger-Pippan E, Kozyulin V, MacLeod I, Moon A, Sato H, Sauer F, Wachs L, Wong K, Zhang B. (2021, July). Building Blocks for a Regulation on LAWS and Human Control: Updated Recommendations to the GGE on LAWS (p. 31).
- Antebi L, Asaro P, Baker D, Boulanin V, Chengeta T, Dahlmann A, Dickow M, Garcia D, Geiß R, Hahn E, Kozyulin V, MacLeod I, Moon A, Reddy S, Sato H, Sauer F, Shim D, Strauß L. (2020, May). LAWS and Export Control Regimes: Fit for Purpose? (p. 5).
- Bronson K, Le Page S, Robinson KM, Moon A, Rismani S*, Millar J. (2020/2). Drivers’ Awareness, Knowledge, and Use of Autonomous Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Vehicle Automation.
- Dickow M, Dahlmann A, Strauß L, Asaro P, Boulanin P, Chengeta T, Garcia D, Hahn E, Kozyulin V, MacLeod I, Moon A, Reddy S, Sato H, Sauer F, Zhang B. (2019, October). Working Paper on the Diffusion/Proliferation of Technologies Enabling Autonomous Functions (p. 4).
- Dickow M, Dahlmann A, Strauß L, Asaro P, Boulanin P, Chengeta T, Garcia D, Hahn E, Kozyulin V, MacLeod I, Moon A, Reddy S, Sato H, Sauer F, Zhang B. (2019, August). Verifying LAWS Regulation – Opportunities and Challenges (p. 4).